Clojure and Doom Emacs on a brand new M1 computer
April 17, 2022

I've recently landed my first Clojure position and received an m1-powered MacBook. Two months before that, I had also bought myself an m1 MacBook air and had to set up Clojure to use it in my projects. Since I had no experience using macOS whatsoever I had to do some googling and managed to get a pretty simple setup running.

There are lots of tutorials out there on how to set up m1 laptops for Clojure usage, but there are a few quirks that aren't yet documented, such as how to get clj-kondo and parinfer to work in it. I'll try to cover these steps in this post, while also showing how to set up doom emacs and some other stuff I ended up using myself.

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Pre-signed uploads to AWS S3 using Clojure(script)
January 24, 2022

I've recently stumbled upon a task: uploading images from an input and saving those. This can be done in several ways, such as storing files directly to your server's storage, saving these files inside a database, or uploading them to some cloud provider's service, such as AWS's S3. There are various reasons one may choose each of these strategies, but I decided to stick with the latter.

From my previous JavaScript/React experience I knew this could be done using S3's pre-signed URLs, but didn't know how to do this in Clojure, even though the overall process/technique isn't much different.

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React prerendering experiments in Clojure(script) land
September 21, 2021

I've been kinda fascinated about pre-rendering my react applications for about three months. It all started when I started to develop brundij and realized I wouldn't be able to get good performance results without some prerendering techniques, which ultimately led me into reading lots of stuff about it.

I have developed React applications for some time already, but never really had to get prerendering to work without using frameworks such as Gatsby or Next, so this was a new challenge for me. I ended up deciding to write this post talking about all the stuff I tried and what I think about each of those. This should not be seen as a tutorial, all the stuff here is highly experimental.

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Testing the DOM using shadow-cljs and Reagent
September 13, 2021

I've been recently trying to build a side-project. I ended up deciding on using Clojure and Clojurescript to build it (I've been learning clojure for a few months already but feel like a complete beginner, so I thought building something might help me grasp some stuff). I also decided to use shadow-cljs to set up my project.

Everything was going pretty smoothly until I needed to run DOM tests, which seemed like a big mistery to me -it seemed like most CLJS developers were only using Cypress and the only post I could find talking about react-testing-library in clojurescript was two years old. All of this led me into creating this post, in which, I am going to try to help Clojurescript beginners, like me, run DOM tests on their shadow-cljs + reagent applications.

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